About Me – Career

iMAGIES URBAINES Border About me, passionate photographer influenced by Modern Art


Portrait N&B

Passionate photographer for almost 30 years, self-taught after a year in a preparatory art workshop for the Beaux Arts, I live and work between Paris (France) and Quito (Ecuador). Alongside a professional career in the fields of graphic design, publishing and packaging, I have continued to cultivate and deepen my practice of photography over the years.

Very early on (in fact, at the end of secondary school, when I discovered the painting “Nude descending a staircase” by Marcel Duchamp), my artistic vision and sensibility were strongly influenced by the great currents of Modern Art (cubism, futurism, constructivism, surrealism) and their artists (such as Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Maria Helena Vieira Da Silva, Alexandre Rodtchenko and Mark Rothko). All these influences have subsequently found their way into the aesthetic that I wanted to develop.

Attracted by the rhythmic repetition of geometric shapes and the interplay of light, color and materials, I soon became interested in the urban landscapes of business districts, industrial zones and construction sites. Lately, in a logical extension of my work on these industrial zones and building sites, I’ve also been interested in other urban elements that are usually considered unattractive: buildings and facades made of rough concrete or anarchic electrical connections. Using the structures of these “ultra-urban” environments as a starting point, I aim to create paintings in the colors of steel, concrete, glass and wood.

My images are composed from real shots, and a system of double mirroring (vertical and horizontal) and framing allows me to emphasise the geometric structures, colours and rhythms that make them up, inventing a new reality of reality.

In the end, the visual effects created are simply an amplification of reality and its subjective perspectives.

Enjoy the visit!